God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

”so good, so very good.”

Getting back on track, in Genesis 1, when God completed each day of creation, He described them as “good”. However, it was only after He created human that He said “very good.” In the NLT translation, it says “so good, so very good.”  He calls us ‘a Masterpiece’ (Ephesians 2: 10, NLT). Therefore, we are His outstanding artistry. Hallelujah! None of God’s magnificent creations compared to Adam(human), not even angels (Hebrews 1:14).

This truth, especially the latter part will be a tough pill for many to swallow, but it does not change the truth. Generally, people who are not knowledgeable about angels and the role of angels, have misrepresented them in ways that are unbiblical, making them to be above mankind, and exalting them to the glorious state of being that man attains when they die. The statement “God just wanted another angel in heaven,” assigned to someone who has died, tells us about that rampant and erroneous belief system. After all, some people even call GOD an angel. Now how could the CREATOR be His creation? Angels are not GOD! JESUS, the Son of God, GOD, is not an angel either!  They were actually created by GOD (Hebrews 1). The Creator is always above the creation. It is appalling to see how this got misunderstood to the point of it being a doctrine.

“The assault on every aspect of human life dominates”

When we examine history and view current events, the assault on every aspect of human life dominates the airwaves, and many are diverted away from this very truth that mankind is special to God. This assault has been planned by the devil since He knew of and saw the wonderful creation that God made in His image and likeness, called MAN and put him in charge of what the devil thought was his.

The question: “What is man that You created him a little lower than God(Elohim)?”(Psalm 8: 4 – 6, NASB), must have been a constant question on the devil’s mind, albeit in a very twisted way. At this point, we are still talking about the state of man before sin took over in the Garden of Eden. Man, unlike any other created being, was made by God in His image and placed on a level just lower than God. This was the infuriating reality to the devil that God created a being higher than him and all the other angels. He could not stand for that so he devised a plan. The devil’s plan succeeded when he deceived that very man, and in so doing, the evil intention to destroy man in any way possible, manifested. This is what we have seen on earth since the fall of Adam.

In summary, the devil hates people and uses people to destroy each other. This is the only reason that we have evil in the world and not because God uses evil for good, as some believe. God hates evil and He loves humans. GOD is not angry with mankind either. God still desires that every man should be born again into His kingdom. This is the very reason that John 3:16 exists and forms the basis of this website.