God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

The key to my victories

The key to my victories in life since I became a believer is to believe God and to apprehend/seek out/desire the plans, will, ways and desires of the One Who made us. He is the One Who loves us. In 1 John 5: 4 -5 it says:

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. 5 And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.”     I remember a few years ago when I was troubled with a spirit of fear and worry. The Lord delivered me and sent me to study all the scriptures on His Love and to make daily declarations of His love toward me. One of the scriptures that stood out to me was:

John 17:23 – “….the world may know that You sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”

This was part of Jesus’ powerful prayer before He went to the cross. This is Him saying that He wants us to know that God loves us as much as him. This is where I apprehended a love that is not earned and too great to figure out. No way could I have earned this love that puts me in the same category as Jesus.

“God loves me as much as He did Jesus.”

This was above my understanding but it was time for me to grab it and believe it. That is what I did. I realized that I am loved and am special to God. His perfect love, believed and received, casts out all fears. Now, no matter what I face, I can say with confidence, “God loves me as much as He did Jesus.” I take this another step and I say, “Jesus loved me more than His own life.”

The devil hates that. This knowledge sets us up on a level above where the devil wants us to be and he hates that. The devil has spent his time subduing man to a low standard and too horrible to be loved by God. Knowing how much God loves us, is a weapon against him. He runs from that. I believe it and I say it and I have victory every time.

“I believe peoples’ lives will take on a whole new perspective when they see themselves through the Eyes of Almighty God.”

This is where we will take our journey on this blog site. Journeying through the life of humanity with the One Who loves us, so we can see how special we are to Him.

I believe peoples’ lives will take on a whole new perspective when they see themselves through the Eyes of Almighty God and Creator. I pray that if you haven’t apprehended this love, that you will do so and come into the place that is yours – His masterpiece! The key to life’s victories is to believe this Love.

Genesis 1:27 and John 3:16 form the foundation of this journey.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, Jesus, so that everyone who believes in Him[Jesus] will not perish but have eternal life.”

Just a word of caution for you right here! You may say you know this already or heard it so many times before but I have gladly and humbly learnt that there is never too much of any of God’s inspired word. Each is packed and stacked infinitely high with more and more revelation that is life to those who choose to believe.

Stay tuned for the next blog.