God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

Humans are not animals

Humanity has to get to the place where we are confident about the way God sees us. It is fundamental for us to know that we humans are not animals – we are God’s special creation. We were not made in their family of species. We are made in the God family. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7), so if a person has been led to believe he/she belongs to the animal class, then there is no way that person can receive the God-class status. We were originally, wonderfully created by God, for God, in God and for God’s purpose (Ephesians 2:10) but Adam lost our connection.

Through Jesus Christ, that status is again available for every human being. Therefore, we must realize that human beings are God’s constant focus (Psalm 115: 12; Matthew 28:19). No, and a thousand times, NO! It is not your cats, dogs or squirrels; not the planet earth or any other planet for that matter; not the universe; not the trees; not the climate! I just want to throw this in – I do wonder about the extent of the use of animals to help humans with affairs of the heart.

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We are His Focus

We are His focus. Maybe you, like me, have seen or heard of people and/or organizations whose policies and treatment of animals are far superior to their concerns and behavior towards human beings. Several years ago, I was in salon and a young lady was animatedly exuberant about her utmost devotion to her dog. I like animals but I did not really identify with that level of adoration that she had expressed. However, when she expressed her utter disgust for children, I became concerned.

I don’t know about you, but all the talk about climate change, and saving the environment and animals but at the same time pushing for the killing of children through abortion, suspicious injections and gender issues, completely lacks compassion and God’s focus on the truth. (1 John 4:10)

We are the only beings that God created in His image and likeness.      (Genesis 1:27).

We are the only beings that He wants to live inside and have fellowship with. (Colossians 1:27; Galatians 2:20; Romans 8: 10; Ephesians 2: 22; 2 Timothy 1:14; Hebrews 3:6).

We are the only creations that He gave authority over all His other creations. (Genesis 1: 26; 2:5).

We are GOD’S SPECIAL CREATION. He is the One who made us a real masterpiece. (Ephesians 2: 10).

We are His focus. His heart is a heart for mankind’s souls.

Humans are God’s special creation – we are His focus. Everything God does, He does with us in mind. We are His constant focus.

However, before we can talk about how special we are to Him, we must look at Who He is. We will not get a glimpse of what we mean to Him and the sheer honour it is, before we at least have some knowledge of Who He is.

Stay tuned for the next blog!