God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

God is not evil!

I have heard many among us refer to this world as perfectly designed by God with its imperfections. Such opinions make me cringe. To think that anyone would believe YAHWEH God, Who is absolutely good, would have deliberately created this world with the evil we see and then say it is “so good, so very good” in Genesis 1. I believe it is crucial for people to stay away from this religious intellectualism that has brought and still causes confusion even among Christians. The devil is the author and finisher of evil and confusion and there is no good in him. (1 Corinthians 14:33; John 10: 10; Psalm 136:1). Remember, he hates man and has no good in him. God is not evil and has no evil in Him! He sent His Son to die on the cross to render evil null and void, so that those who will believe will live the abundant life He offers.

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God is absolute goodness and absolutely good.

God is absolute goodness and He is absolutely good. The murkiness of people’s belief where this is concerned is strange to me and it must be to God as well.

I can almost see God in His reaction to the millions on millions of times when people concur with the belief that He creates imperfection

“C’mon man! Do you even know Me? If you did you could not say such a thing. C’mon man!”

There is nothing natural that could adequately describe or explain the full extent of Who God is and yet God wants us to know Him (2 Pet 3: 18). I personally believe that this truth is mind blowing to many persons, including some Christians. Almighty God wants to reveal Himself through a relationship with His people. This relationship was initiated by Him, when He sent His Word as a man, Jesus. He made covenant with Jesus, affirming that our relationship with Him, has to come by way of Jesus (John 14:6), in believing His finished work on earth (John 3:16).

This is spiritual, purely by Grace through faith (Eph. 2:8) and not natural (Hebrews 12:9). Here is an eye opener that was recently expanded on in one of my Pastor’s Sunday messages: God did NOT make any direct covenant with mankind; He made it with Jesus for mankind. That is why we must be in Christ to benefit from the covenant and no other way. God made us sons, by way of the Son (John 17).

When I talk with people, I realize that this point is missed in many cases. They try to know God by using natural abilities and tendencies. As a result, they concoct ideologies about Him and these have nothing to do with the Almighty God, Who is the Great I Am, the Holy, Living, El Shaddai, the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Giver of Life, Yahweh… God. These ideologies form false religions, religiosity, cultish and occultist practices. The ones who practise these get disappointed at the results from these “ideas” of God and turn away from choosing the path to knowing the One True God, Who is expressed fully in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:3). All of their theories and arguments deny access to God through Jesus.

This is the ultimate denial of Almighty God!


But GOD is Love and He is merciful and therefore, denials do not stop God’s love and actions to invite you to know Him through Jesus. Again, this is Love that goes beyond our natural perception and interpretations. Its purity is missed by many because it is formulated in their minds, juxtaposed to the natural expressions of what people call love. This hinders many from accepting that there is no higher love than the Highest of Highs, and their strategy to grow in His knowledge becomes more comparative and academic than pure reception. It is very clear in our world today that God’s love is missed and He is diligent to have His soldiers take that message to the world.

It can only be missed if one decides that one’s experience, perception, belief and ideologies are of greater truth than Truth Himself, because God has never hidden His Love. He is LOVE.

2 Pet. 3:9 and John 3:17 are just two powerful scriptures that bring home other very marvellous characteristics of GOD – He is merciful, compassionate and patient.

Stay tuned as we continue with this topic next blog!