God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

Man’s purpose is found in Christ

I have learnt and experienced that our purpose is carved out in LOVE, which is GOD (John 4:16, 1 John 4:8). Man’s purpose is found in Christ and in nothing else and no other. The more we know Him, the more we love Him and I believe this will go on for all eternity. He is never ending and neither is the knowledge of Him. This is so exciting. I always like to say it like this – imagine all of eternity we will be continually wowed by the increasing knowledge of Him, the Sovereign and Almighty God and Creator.  WOW! WOW! WOW!!!

It is therefore understandable that people outside the Body of Christ (by Whom we come to know God Our Father), do not know the purpose for their lives. Summarily, this is the definition of being lost. By the same reasoning, Christian should not struggle with knowing his/her purpose in life. Yet unfortunately, I know that there are ones who do. This ought not to be!

Our purpose is in Christ.

Man was never made by God to rule man

Humans were made by God to rule the earth and every creature and creation(Gen 1:26 – 27). However, man was never made by God to rule man. Man, no matter what colour or creed, was never created to be superior to another man. However, man seeks this power and this is why we have wars. The start of every conflict among men, nations and races is a desire in man, through sin, to exalt himself above another. Self-acclaimed leaders spend their lives concocting ideas to rule humanity. They have summits and meetings to air their ideologies of how to control what we eat, where we go, what we think and should think, when we think, etc. Of course, the Word of God in Psalm 33:10 – 12 (The Message Bible) has something else to say about that, and that is what I choose to believe and say about those agendas.

Historically, some belief systems and cultures have made this the essence for their men to see women as of a lower class than them. The problem with this is, the devil is the one who is fueling this and anything the devil offers is of a low class below what man was created by God to be. What this really means is when modern day man chooses to deny Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life, he has simply chosen a LOW- LEVEL LIFE. He has chosen to be like animals.

[Since I mentioned culture above, I have to throw this in – this bears clearly the importance of what we keep promoting as culture as if it is all God and we must just accept the behaviours because it is “culture”. People use the word ‘culture’ simply to explain everything, no matter how evil it is. Universities are granting degrees and honorary doctorates to persons who promote debasing lifestyles all under the title of “culture”. This is a dangerous precept that has been set. We will talk more about this is subsequent blogs]

The theory of evolution has deified this ideology

Getting back on track….

Ironically, because of false beliefs and doctrines, many will view alignment with animals as an elevation. This ideology is deified by the Theory of Evolution(Darwinism). Personally, I think there is no greater flawed or ridiculous theory (and there are many), that has been taught in schools than this. I had to learn this theory for many years whilst in high school and first year at university. Thankfully, I had a foundation from my parents that, although I was not saved(born-again), I knew the word of God on creation and I believed it.

As a human being, I am not in the class of animals; they are subject to me. This is exactly the plan of the devil that has successfully traversed the brains in highly intellectual people and as a result they have chosen to believe that about themselves. Unfortunately, these are the influencers and shakers in our societies and education system. It is for this reason that God has commanded the Church to pray for our leaders, that they would choose the wisdom of God over the folly of man’s edicts that are continually proving to destroy the purpose of humanity.

Thank God for Jesus, our Saviour.