God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

Train up the child in the way he should go

It bears out indefatigably and crucially why God said in His word – “Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). As parents we have the responsibility to teach our children God’s ways from the moment they are conceived. That protects them from the folly of the enemy’s doctrines that have been and are more fluently ushered into school curricula across the world. The intention of the enemy is to teach generations to have no value of themselves as the beloved created being, so masterfully crafted by God for His purpose.

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Well guess what! God still thinks of man as His most prized creation, whom He loves and whom, in Christ, He has placed above all other creation. Remaining outside of Christ is to remain at the low level that satan convinced first Adam to live at. The devil’s beef is the fact that God chose to create a being higher than what he (Lucifer)was before he made himself into satan and was cast out of heaven (Luke 10:18). Lucifer rebelled against God making a being, like Him, at a higher level than Lucifer was made. As a result, he became satan, father of evil.

Satan hates people

Satan HATES people. What is the evidence? What has evil done to mankind – killed, destroyed, oppressed, depressed, stolen and divided. Man was made to be an extension of the Son of God, to live on earth and fellowship with God as ONE human race, with diversities in the way each person looks. Not races!!

Man was made to be in the God class

It is so ironic to me, to hear the media and other stake holders push an agenda for ‘equality’ when man was already made by God to be equal – one human race. It reminds me of when the devil, through the serpent, spoke to Eve in Genesis, convincing her to choose to do something that would make her like God, but in reality she was already made like God. She was already in the God class because that is how God made her. The devil knew that man was made to be in the God class. Satan wanted to be in that class but he was not made for that. The deception was he had no authority on that matter and secondly, all he has to offer anyone is death. She bit the bait! That is what is still pervading the airways now. Lots of deceptive baits.

If man would choose the way of his Creator, he would not have to fall for the ’equality’ bait. He would see he was already made to be equal in the God class, albeit unique and with different callings. Those blinkers are blinking very rapidly these days. This blinking is blocking people from seeing the place they were made to occupy.

This is what God wants people to know – we were made to be His masterpiece, in Christ.