God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

Who is GOD?

Who is God? This may seem like an atheistic question. Indeed, people who claim not to believe in God ask that question all the time. However, as a Born-again Believer, I believe in the One True Infinite, Eternal God and so my knowledge of Him can never be exhausted. As a result, I am daily searching to grow in His knowledge and will. This is a journey that can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit and not by any other spirits or mindfulness activity.

God is – Almighty, Supernatural, All-powerful, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Creator of the Universe, Eternal, Everlasting, the Beginning and the End, Life, Love, Light, Immutable, Pure and Holy, Absolute, Absolutely good, Infinite, Faithful, Compassionate, Patient, Humility, Meekness, Strong, Salvation, Provider, Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Redeemer, Forgiver, Blesser, Healer, Righteousness, Incomparable, Uncontainable, Deliverer, Covenant Keeper, The Great I Am, Yes and Amen, Giver, Protector, Destroyer of evil…….an endless list of absolute perfection, greatness and goodness. He is the Highest of Highs. Some people may express – He is the God of the mountains. All in all, He is above all and there can be no one or nothing that is above Him.

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[Mathematical Analogy : Almighty God is ONE God, Who is infinite and provides Himself infinitely to infinite number of people, who will believe Him. This is another representation of what Ephesians 3:20 tells us. Mathematically, I would represent it as:  infinity times 1 to the power of infinity = infinity]

The more I know Him, the more I experience His Love…..

Mindfully, that is the reason born-again believers are always asking this question. It is by no means a question of doubt but rather, an expression of desire to know Him more and more. The more I know Him, the more I experience His love that is beyond natural comprehension (Ephesians 3:16 – 19). I will also increasingly understand my purpose and His plans for me. These are intertwined with who He is. I am made for His purpose and His purpose alone.

‘Who is God’, is the daily knowledge we must attain to (Colossians 1: 9 – 10) in order for us to live out our purpose for which He has made us. The journey through life’s purpose is therefore found in knowing God, through having Jesus as Lord and Saviour. He is the expressed image of God, The Father. He is revealed to us through God, the Holy Spirit. This knowledge we can never, ever exhaust.

If Jesus is not the Way, the Truth and the Life, the ONLY person through Whom you have access to the heavenly Father, your belief is a lie and has destined you for hell. Get back to GOD.

Look out for the next post! J