God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

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Man was made to be loved by God, owned by God, to worship God, to fellowship with God and to live by Him in order to be like Him. Obviously, man can never to be God (John 4:24). However, the fallen nature character has tripped up mankind because there are people who want to be God. How can I say that you may ask? Well, when dictators want to control the lives of the people in their countries to the degree of instituting what hairstyles are allowed and how often a person can travel, they are actually making the statement, “I am God.”

We can also look back at the recent pandemic where both subtle and overt strategies to mandate and force the jabs were enforced. These are just a few of the myriad of activities that are being pushed in nations whereby people are designating themselves as ‘God’. There are also many unsophisticated and common ways in which people want to exalt themselves above the Creator. For example, when popular persons and moguls motivate people to believe there is more than one way to God. The problem with these scenarios is they are reflecting a god that is NOT Jehovah Jireh, Yahweh God. Therefore, the fallen nature characteristics can only really exalt its god which is the devil and his ways are antithetical and diametrically opposed to that of our Creator.

“When Adam fell, he lost God’s infusion into humanity as well as the purpose and subjugated humanity to the level of animals.”

God made man with the greatest freedom to love Him and fellow man. When Adam fell, he lost God’s infusion into humanity as well as the purpose and subjugated humanity to the level of animals. (Just to be clear, this is not a support statement for the theory of evolution, because man and animals are two absolutely different creations. We will get into this further in future blogs.) The ‘level of animals’ that I refer to, has to do with the life of authority on the earth. This is a level below angels and in the pyramid of life form, man was no longer under the rule of Almighty God, but was now under the rule of a cast-down spirit that was never, ever above mankind even in his form as Lucifer. A person that is not born-again is still in this state but a person who is born-again has been restored to his former glory in fellowship with God.

“Deception foiled humanity’s purpose and its prevalence now is the greatest it has ever been.”

The devil deceived Eve into thinking she was not like God in the first place. She was conned into thinking she was at a lower level than God had made man (Genesis 3: 5), and that is the inheritance of mankind that is seen. God had in fact made her like Him; He said it when He spoke man into being in Genesis 1: 26-27. Deception foiled humanity’s purpose and its prevalence now is the greatest it has ever been. What is the evidence of this? I watched an interview with the latest addition to the US Supreme Court when she was asked the question, what is a woman. Her snide response was, “I don’t know what a woman is. It is complicated and I am not a biologist.”

This has to be the results of deception because every human being, made by God, is made with ability to know male or female. God said, “male and female created He them,” and His wisdom tells us how to distinguish between the two. Even babies know that. According to my neighbour’s one year old daughter, the baby boy is called a ‘he-baby’ different from what she is, a ‘she-baby’.

I am inclined to believe that this little girl is a demonstration of what Jesus meant when He said: “3 … Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

Little children are not hung up on their own opinions and PhDs that seek to satisfy a very “unusual” view of what God created. I believe also, that in order to make a mark in the world, people pursue “out of the box” avenues in order to gain recognition. Out of the box is fine but out of God’s Way is not! This is the reason why there is an outburst of negative labels and names coming from the fields of study of humanity, and the result is the chaos we see now with gender identity. To study humanity, one should know the One Who made human beings, but He is usually not included in these academic pursuits. These pursuits are foiled plans to hurt the human race.

It is not about education or even progress when they are working to establish that there are several genders, when God, Who made man, says there are only two. Truthfully, it is a degrading and uneducated move to work to allow satan’s ultimate plan to destroy humanity.

Without purpose, the devil rules man’s life

The devil conned Eve into disobeying God to get into a position she already had, and in doing so, she lost it all. The devil is still doing that with people who are unwilling to know the truth about their purpose through and in Christ. It is exclusively in this original position that humanity must be in order to fulfill our purpose. Without purpose, the devil rules man’s life. This is lining up a very logical and factual conclusion – every agenda outside of the will of God is souped up to extract and suffocate man’s purpose. Man was made by God, to be like God in Christ, for His purpose (Genesis 1:28; Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 43:21; Revelations 4:11; Romans 5:8).

If man does not know that he was made in God’s image and likeness and not evolved from animals, then man is lost and without purpose. However, in Christ we have identity, authority, dominion and real purpose.