God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

People want to believe that outside of God they are free.

People want to believe that outside of God they are free and not realize that outside of God they are in a bondage of evil and they have absolutely no control over their lives. Instead, they have given their lives over to a lesser being. Unregenerate man has a life owned by the devil, who only will steal, kill and destroy humanity because he absolutely hates mankind (John 10:10). When one human being controls another, it is the epitome of satan’s reign. God does not even control His precious creation. He esteems us so highly, as only love can, that He gave us the ability to choose between a higher life in Him as He intends or a low life (even lower than animals in some people’s eyes), destined for doom (Deuteronomy 30: 15-20)

Many people believe that their purpose is just to try to be good people. They will tell you that they do not need to be embroiled with Jesus in order to make that happen.

A masterpiece or just “a piece”?

Human beings have spent centuries coming up with theories and doctrines to indoctrinate mankind into a place of subjugation and low standards of themselves. I personally believe that the greatest atrocity after Adam’s sin, that was done to the human race was the relegating of man to a species that has evolved from animals as per the theory of evolution. Consequently, every current theory to eradicate man, including socialism, communism, marxism, climate change, pro-choice, population control, racism, gender and sexuality abnormalities and others, started taking root. These are all strategies of the devil, the true hater of man. His strategies have resulted in the plethora of evil agendas we have heard and seen about and are seeing more now, such as:

  • Agendas to kill children, in and out of the womb;
  • agendas to reduce population;
  • agendas to promote sexuality that has no procreation ability
  • agendas to make people sick through plagues and vaccines;
  • agendas to educate our children to be robots,
  • agendas to infiltrate and eradicate man’s dependence upon God,
  • agendas to recreate man to be controlled by other men,

and the list goes on and on. However, Jesus came to defeat all of those and reinstitute and give us back purpose. It is therefore only through Him that we have purpose. The choice is now up to every human being to receive an elevated life or to remain downtrodden by the devil.

What is your choice today? Will you choose to be a masterpiece or just ‘a piece’?