God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

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It is the Creator of the creation that must get the praise; not the creation. I know people who are nature lovers, who revere the beauty of the trees, stars, birds, moon and all the works of God’s creation, and unfortunately many of them have very little compassion for human life. They go out of their way and have life missions to save a dog, or a cat, or a tree or planet earth but for organizations that ask for contributions to save the lives of hungry children or even to save children from sexual exploitation, venom is spewed with great intensity. Please don’t think I am speaking against activists of this nature, but I am bringing facts to the table.

These are crimes against humanity in a very structured way.

This is what feeds into heavily focused agendas such as climate change, gender confusion, war-staging, bank collapse, abortion, farmers intimidation, culturing of insects for food, and forced chip insertions through various means including ‘vaccinations.’ Yes, I said it! These things are among the fuel and foundation of agendas to annihilate humanity. I know the ‘fact checkers’ will want to deny this, but this information is widely available to the public because the self-appointed rulers of the world have stated it clearly. You will even find it on mainstream media, so this agenda is not secret. Whilst I will not list their names, I have said enough that anyone who really wants to get the information can search and find it. This is indeed the information era, so nobody should willingly stay ignorant of general issues that affect humanity. These are crimes against humanity in a very structured way.

Climate change agenda is one such hysteria that has slipped cunningly into the psyche of many schooled persons for over three decades. The truth about it is readily available to anyone who wants to know more about these things. I truly have seen where ignorance was on display during the pandemic because people have chosen to receive false information, deliberately. It is one of many of the evidences to the word of God that says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

I have come to the strong revelation that climate change is formed out of man’s desire to worship something and the devil has filled their minds with the worship of earth that he once owned due to the fall. This is an old religion which is false belief. Humanity was in fact made to worship someone and that Someone is our Maker, Yahweh God.

There is absolutely nothing or no one on earth that is a living creature that could exist without the Word, Who is God the Son, Who became flesh and came to earth as Jesus, to save the very creation He created. John 1:3 and 1 Corinthians 8 :6 say it with great clarity and pronouncement:

“God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him.” (NLT) 


“Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist.” (Berean Literal Bible)

There are several other scriptures which confirm the Creation through The Son, The Word (John 1: 10, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:2). It would certainly be a false and ignorant disposition if we choose to perpetuate any other belief.

We are in a crucial season in the history of mankind for people to make deliberate decisions to seek the Truth. He is the Lord Jesus and He knows ALL things. There is nothing hidden from Him, so He is certainly the best and the only person to have in our lives if we are navigating the maze of information/misinformation/censorship era.