God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool…

We are in a period of life where deception is at the highest it has ever been. But what makes it worse is deceivers are exalting themselves as the ones who determine ‘truth’ and have taken on the title of ‘fact checkers’ or ‘identifiers/ministers of misinformation’. As I pen this, I am drawn by the Holy Spirit to a famous saying:

‘He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Shun him!!”

The Word of God, which I believe is the originator of the above saying, found in Psalm 92: 5 – 6 states:

5-6 How great are Your doings, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep. A man in his rude and uncultivated state knows not, neither does a [self-confident] fool understand this.

Another word for fool in this context is deceiver. Deceivers must therefore not be believed; they must be shunned. Whatever a deceiver says, believe the opposite. I came to that conclusion in watching reports and coverage during the USA 2016 general elections and it became of greater magnitude over the last three years. The biggest outrage of this judgement of misinformation by the ones who are determined to kill the truth and facts, is their attempts to fact – check what the bible says. The bible contains the written Word of God and can only be revealed and understood when the Holy Spirit brings revelation to the born again – believer. No unsaved person in the world can bring interpretation to the scriptures.

The reason for these and more is deception and persons’ lack of knowledge.

So, what would make any person listen to and believe that:

  • He/she evolved from animals?
  • Or that he/she may not always be he/she but can come up with variations at any points in their lives to be called gender fluid?
  • Or that two people of the same gender can have a Godly marriage?
  • Or to choose to be drinking from a cup using paper straws instead of plastic because plastic is so bad for the earth?
  • Or that human beings are just hackable animals that should be chipped, identified with a QR code and transformed into a controllable item?
  • Or that we will own nothing and be happy, by people who will own everything including the very lives of human beings?
  • Or that cows should be wearing diapers to prevent their flatulence from increasing carbon footprint?
  • Or that we must be carbon net zero?

By the way, do you know what makes up life form? Carbon! Net zero carbon is a narrative of false lies that simply means massive depopulation. The reason for these and more is deception and persons’ lack of knowledge. Additionally, being stewards of the earth is quite antithetical to climate-change fanaticism. For greater clarity, go back to the Word of God and see how it compares with what the climate change motive forces. These blogs also help to provide help in that area.

God alone created the earth and put man on it…

God alone created the earth and put man on it and said multiply and fill the earth. He also said “occupy until I come.’ He did not give man a limit on how many people should be on the earth because He knew that earth could hold a lot more than exists now, because He made it so. The dissonance to this in nations’ policies is being borne out now in China. For decades, China had a radical, restrictive one-child policy for families. The results of this is now being reported in the NYTimes as a “…Demographic Crisis”, where the rapidly aging population is causing and will cause labour shortage and other economic ricochet effect.  Man’s wisdom that objects to God’s, always results in problems and therefore, restricting child – birth in this manner is opposite to God’s directive. Isaiah 45:12 says it so clearly:

“I am the One who made the earth and created people to live on it. With my hands I stretched out the heavens. All the stars are at my command.”

Yet there are persons saying otherwise and have carefully set in motion every network to establish a counteracting plan. That is an example of false belief and deception. Clearly, all these have one common thread – devalue humanity to the point of nothing. Does anyone now need to ask what is the value of man to satan? He is the author of all these devices.

It is time that people start seeing themselves through God’s lenses…..

But God made humanity to be His masterpiece whom He loves with the love that surpasses understanding (Eph 3:19). God intensely desires that mankind recognize and receive that and not fall for the devaluation and extinction that has been planned by the devil since beginning of the world.

God made man special. I believe if the very persons that the enemy is using to execute his agenda knew that God made him/her special for His purpose and that He loved them, it would boggle their minds and they would change direction. In essence, they are haters of themselves despite their “perceived power” in the world. They have no value of themselves. However, God has created man as highly valued, beyond what man himself can fathom. God thought man was worth saving, so He paid the highest price to rescue us from the hater of man and bring us back into His family.

It is time that people start seeing themselves through God’s lenses and all the false beliefs and perceptions would dissipate. (Eph 2: 13)

To God, we are not a colour or a nationality or an animal or an object with a QR code or space-taker or destroyers of the climate or any other word that has been used to dehumanize mankind. Just to add to that, neither is God – Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit a colour or a nationality as is absurdly argued about among and by people who claim they have the truth.

The Truth is we were all wonderfully and masterfully created by Him to be in Christ as His masterpiece, His precious family (Psalm 139:14). Until Christ lives in man, man is still holding to false beliefs and is existing outside of the truth of the purpose for his creation.

The journey continues……