God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

History, taught wrongly and deceptively….

History, taught wrongly and deceptively, has caused man to be enamoured with slavery wrapped in a glossy, deceptive coating called “socialism”. When you look further, as we are seeing now, socialism is really a precursor to communism. It is the period of so – called utopia where government appears to be looking after its citizens, when in reality it is a system set up to create dependence, low creativity and mediocrity.

In a recent corporate gathering at my church, my Pastors brought some light on where these two systems actually evolved from. This system of governance literally twisted the events in Acts when the early Church was being set up and everyone brought their belongings to one place to distribute to the Church, according to their needs (Acts 4: 34 – 35; Acts 2: 45).

It is very easy to see why Socialism as a way of governance, would be appealing to Christians. Coupled with that is the famously mis-interpreted scripture Matthew 19:24, that many persons used to justify the vilifying of gaining wealth. Whilst the collaboration of all the Christians in a heavily persecuted country was necessary to provide for all at the start, it is not a doctrine to pervade the Church’s existence. This would not allow the Great Commission to take place. The revelation of these scriptures must be given by the Holy Spirit otherwise people will have false beliefs being asserted, that can affect generations and nations. There is indeed nothing new under the sun, according to Solomon (Ecclesiastes 1:9), but the corruption and deception of what exists is what creates an infinite chasm between God’s plan and the devil’s.

“I envied other people who lived in that system”

Most of my life, I was a strong supporter of socialism. In fact, up to as recent as 7 years ago, I touted its idealism. To me it seemed like the most humane of the three economic system that I was taught at school. Additionally, the countries that practise this seem to be prosperous societies. I thought it best to let governments have our money through high taxes as long as we have free education, health, good roads, welfare for those who can’t work etc. I grew up in Jamaica after the time of Michael Manley’s socialistic reign. My family then were strong socialists, and naturally, so was I. The problem then for me is that I never saw what socialism really did based on my belief about it then because I came on the scene after. I envied other people who lived in that system. My eldest brother and sisters enjoyed free university education with grants, that 10 years later, were not available for me. A new system had taken its place.

Michael Manley, on entering his second stint had recognized the failure of a socialist system and sought to include free market and privatizing state – owned companies whilst maintaining some social justice, otherwise called Democratic Socialism. This must have been a response to what Margaret Thatcher observed about socialism: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” We just had to work for what we wanted. To be fair, my sisters and brother had worked hard during the socialist reign to help to feed a large family. This is one of the characteristics of socialism – working hard does not translate into wealth for the population. Only the ones leading are allowed wealth.

You can see that I am sharing my days of “man’s wisdom” as opposed to the wisdom of God, which I can now walk in. Those were darkened days. Now the Light is in me lighting my feet as a lamp and lighting my path (Psalm 119:105). I have a clearer picture of what God intended and still intends. God never created the earth short of wealth for all of humanity. There is available to all of humanity, wealth for every person to be filthy rich. God’s hand is not short on providing for all. He is GOD! What we have is a function of what we believe and have accepted. He tells His people that He is the One Who gives humanity the ability to create wealth, the condition being to remember the Lord your God (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Wealth comes from what God has created and supplied

Leaders of nations need to ask themselves the question which is formed from this condition – “Are we as a nation, remembering the Lord our God, since it is He Who gives the ability to create wealth?” When we as individuals lack wealth and when our nations lack wealth and we thereby embrace man-made systems such as socialism and communism, we should ask that question. It becomes very clear what the answer is.

Wealth comes from what God has created and supplied and He did not just allot it to certain persons. He created all of humanity equal and none has to suffer for the other to have wealth. The extent of wealth that we Christians have on earth, is purely based on our individual faith and application of the Word of God, and how our souls/minds think, because that is how God’s Kingdom works (3 John 2). That is why we do not have equal wealth or equity but it has nothing to do with its availability.

Through Christ, God provides all of our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Does that sound like poverty or little substance to anyone? This is an age – old deception that I won’t be going any further into at this point, but I introduced it to show the difference between what God plans for His special creation and what man, through deception and false beliefs have planned for humanity. This is the objective of this website – bringing clarity to what God intended for humanity and what is seen and promoted by the world today.

Own nothing and be happy

God never said, “own nothing and be happy.” He stated in His word that, “He gives us all things richly to enjoy(1 Timothy 6:17). Therefore, the slogan is a deceptive agenda of persons who would like to rule the earth. The enemy at work, clearly. The scripture referenced earlier in the Acts of the Apostles is twisted to portray equity by the ones who seek to implement socialism and ultimately communism. However, neither equity nor equality (as is purported by the advocates for such) can ever truly be achieved. This is because the persons in control separate themselves from the masses whom they control. They separate themselves by owning all! They keep all! No middle class exists in socialism. Socialism is the antithesis to the Kingdom of God. When Christians get impressed with this system, they are rejecting God’s way. That is the false belief preached and believed by many. What did this do to the Israelites in the desert? They desired and chose slavery again and again. I believe this is one piece of history that should never leave the classrooms.

The slow inoculation with the poison of deception has reached its end point and the powers that be are now raising their heads to implement what was always the agenda – CONTROL.

Jesus came and died so we could have life and life more abundantly and not just in heaven, but here on earth. So, all the plans of control were defeated by Jesus and therefore in Him, such plans are becoming of no effect.

Stay tuned for the next post, #15!