God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

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Twenty – twenty vision

Twenty – twenty vision is perfect natural vision and there is a popular saying that “hindsight is 20 – 20.” In other words, after the fact, we see clearly. I cannot count the number of times I would have said “If only I knew then what I know now, I would not have done that.” Coming to think of it, living in hindsight would certainly justify the need to conduct a ‘mass worldwide experiment’ on humanity and then talk about the findings of deleterious effects after the fact as opposed to doing the experiment before. Many are now speaking in hindsight, which is very unfortunate. I pray for healing and peace in the lives of the injured!

If we were to live our lives in hindsight, we would be walking disasters, much akin to gazing and trying to drive forward in reverse gear. There have been such excellent documentation of the natural trajectory and effects of socialism/communism on nations across the world, that the current push towards it has to smell like a rat to most people. And yet the self – appointed world leaders are pushing for that. Then where is the hindsight vision? Or in this case does it offer them the very blueprint of what to do as opposed to what not to do? The evidence is there to answer and not draw a conspirative conclusion. God always shines light on dark areas as the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, so as believers of Christ, we are not conspirators; we are knowers. (John 16:13)

What does socialism say?

During the recent pandemic, politicians pulled out the so – called love card to threaten persons into submission to taking part in the covid experiment. This was a scene taken from the twisted script that “we are all in this together and everyone has been brought on the same level by the pandemic so everyone must suffer together.” This is the false and deceptive twist of the scriptures in Acts that we talked about in the previous blog.

What does socialism (not Democratic Socialism) say? It says we must all be mediocre together, with the exception of the government and its allies that control the people. During the covid experiment, governments and global leaders in support of this “not-so-hidden” agenda all said, and I paraphrase: “Let’s all be guinea pigs together, for the good and love of humanity or better yet, for the good of our evil agenda.”

“Socialism is a system where people refuse to get up and move up and drag other people down with them.”

[On a side note, I read this definition from Kenneth Copeland some years ago and it applies more truthfully – “Socialism is a system where man tries to feed himself without God as Source.”                  Jesse Duplantis offered another definition which also peels off some more layers – “Socialism is a system where people refuse to get up and move up and drag other people down with them.” Socialism decries man’s quest to gain wealth as something evil and can only be had by abusing the poor lower – class members of society. The inevitable aim of this system is communism, that is control, where the abuse of the poor lower class (which is everyone not in government) becomes legal!]

Be our brother’s keeper…

Let’s get biblical now in order to see the contrast, since this is one of the objectives of this blogsite.    God commanded us to love one another by and with His love (Mark 12:30 – 31) and not with the way governments or for that matter, any man tells us to love. Without God, no man can tell anyone how to love or truly love another because God Himself is love (1 John 4: 8 & 16). Therefore, any government that does not want God in its system has no basis or credentials or any right for that matter, to tell the Body of Christ how to “be our brother’s keeper.”

I know people like to believe that there are gray areas and that there is nothing absolute. Again, that is a false belief that is perpetuated by intellectualism. The truth is and that is God’s truth, in life it is either evil or good, death or life, God or the devil. If one does not want the devil, he has chosen God and vice versa. So, a system that does not acknowledge the Lord Jesus, is a system given over to the devil’s and the devil cannot teach anyone to be like Jesus; he cannot teach love because he has no love in him. That is Christianity 101! The devil’s plan is and always will be to destroy humanity (John 10:10 ; 1 Peter 5: 8). There are no gray areas about that.

On the contrary, Jesus, by LOVE, through LOVE and in LOVE, came to free us from that (John 3:16 – 17). Definitively, there are no gray areas about that either!  

We were made for Love – to love and be loved!

To be continued!