God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

What really is science?

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What really is science? All across the world, people woke up to the fake discovery in 2021 that after all these decades and centuries of studying science, that it is actually a person. Now that’s a shocker! That person publicly came out and said, “I am science” (smile). Now that that delusion is made public, let’s see what exactly real science is and what is its relevance in this series? Let’s see what God wants to reveal.

Science is a subject area whereby man pursues to understand, through systematic procedures of experiments and observation, the physical and natural world that was formed and created by Almighty God. (Note: this does not include the social habits and ideologies developed by man’s wisdom).  This first definition is unavailable in main texts because of the acknowledgement of Almighty God. I present it as the one true definition founded on revelation by the Holy Spirit and God’s word in Genesis, because all that is seen was created by Almighty God and without Him, nothing that is seen would have been seen. This is a paraphrase of the scriptures in John 1:3 and 1 Corinthians 8: 6 (ref: #16 False beliefs cont’d).

Another definition that is more mainstream but still provides the essence, states: “Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.” Others will also argue that science is simply acquisition of knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world.” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary). Science therefore, seeks knowledge of things that exist in the natural including those that are contaminated by sin and are a danger to humanity as well.

Any studies undertaken on anything not created or fashioned by God, is not practicing science either.

On the basis of these definitions, it would stand to reason, that any studies or procedures in the name of science that firstly, does not acknowledge the intelligent Creator of the physical and natural world which he is studying or the One Who is knowledge, is not practicing science. Secondly, any studies undertaken on anything not created or fashioned by God, is not practicing science either. Maybe séance, but certainly not real science. Being conscious of this, it is startling that projects called “Gain of Function” can be called science in its true sense, because they are not studying what exists naturally, but adding features to naturally occurring things, with a man-made, destructive agenda. This does not constitute science by definition; maybe it is séance.

Let me develop the revelation of this further as I add more content.

The very first false belief that has plagued humanity is that there is no God and no Creator and that everything just came about by an organized big bang. Of course, anything that is formed by a “bang” does not result in anything organized; it forms fragments. For starters, I am no fragment that just happen to be banged into existence and that is the case for every human being that’s born of a woman. Banged- up formation only takes place in man’s laboratory. Additionally, all of creation around me, portrays the greatness of the wonderful and majestic Creator God, that outperforms any and everything that man can concoct (Psalm 19:1).

God had Adam name the animals.

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The second false belief that I mentioned in previous blogs, that has dehumanized mankind in the lowest form, is that we evolved from animals. This lacks intelligence and knowledge. In Genesis 2, God had Adam name the animals. In naming the animals, he spoke their purpose, given by God, on earth and he exercised his dominion and authority over them. In the naming of these animals, God acknowledged that none of them could be a companion for man (Genesis 2:18 – 20) because they were not like man and were never formed like man. God made man like Him. If man evolved from animals, then, among many other preposterous things, it is saying that God is like an animal. Maybe that reasoning is what satisfies people to carve out different creatures from wood or stone or whatever physical material that satisfies them and call them a ‘god’ (Deut. 4:28).

Man was the only creature that God fashioned in His own image and blew His life and nature into (Gen 2: 7). Evolution has been called science. Experimentation to ‘create’ harmful agents to humanity has also been called science. We have heard the ‘Covid Czar’ call himself science. That explains the disaster over the last 3 years, at least. This is a misnomer.

During the pandemic, decisions were made to lockdown persons…

What happens to man when subject to certain conditions is captured in the field of Psychology, which is the study of the human mind and behaviour. During the pandemic, decisions were made to lockdown persons including isolations and children were not allowed to have social or physical interaction with other school students. The evidence is clear on the effects of these measures, and many psychologists have agreed, is devastating. The children became accustomed to screens and grew restive as it related to interacting with other human beings. As a result, their return to fact to face school posed so many challenges. Teachers are being frustrated and students’ competencies and alertness have been waned. Mental health issues have increased and it has nothing to do with the virus of the pandemic.

These results are not surprising. God’s Word told us that we were made in His image (Genesis 1: 27), to have a relationship with Him and to love Him (Jeremiah 7: 23; 31:33). We are speaking souls who need other people because we were commanded to love others, do good to others and pray for others. He said to Adam, “it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2 :18). The fact that God said it, tells us that the consequences of isolation and lockdown would be bad for mankind. It is not in man’s innate being to be isolated. Do you know why the isolation cell is the most cruel and most hated punishment in prison? It is because of that. It is a punishment that no one should ever want because it is a curse.

Jesus took on even this on himself for our sakes – He bore isolation and loneliness on the cross for us, because we were never meant to live that way (2 Corinthians 5:21). Hell is a cataclysmic realm of isolation and loneliness that Jesus understood and took on himself, so human beings would never have to experience it, not now nor in the life after. So, any strategies of leaders to implement this in any form will have negative consequences.

God promised His masterpiece heaven on earth, not hell on earth.