God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

When we are led by the Spirit of God, we don’t have to make calculated allowances for error….

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Science seeks to understand what God has created therefore, it means real science can only be effective if God’s manual and Interpreter (Holy Spirit) is guiding the process(John 14:17; John 15: 26; John 16:13). If man wants to explore the universe and know what his purpose is in it, ask the One Who created them. However, without the Creator’s involvement, the process of science has, in certain situations, become a séance and lacks credibility, reliability and accuracy.

I majored in Chemistry and Biochemistry at university and so I was what was referred to as a Natural Sciences’ student. Every one of my experiments and calculations had to account for a degree of error in order for my responses to be accurate. I know this sounds like a classic case of paradox, but it was really saying that no matter what we know, we can never be 100% sure that we know it; there must be room for all possible errors. In other words, this was an acknowledgement of human failings. This is the practice of science as the world knows it.

However, when we are led by the Spirit of God, we don’t have to make calculated allowances for error; we know all things as revealed by God with certainty (John 16:13) and that is the way God wants His masterful creation to live. This is true brilliance! This is God’s design and plan for us, but until we have a new, glorified body, we do make errors at times because we don’t always allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. It is impossible for Him to lead us, and we follow and fall into error. IMPOSSIBLE! Thank God we have an Advocate, Jesus.

God desires that we know and understand what He has created for us, because everything God made, He made for us and told us to rule and have dominion i.e. “using all its vast resources in the service of God and man”Gen 1: 28 (AMPC), over them. I am not sure how people could attribute any of this to disasters and destructive things. When people are concocting viral agents to destroy humanity, that is séance and not science. God sent His Son to save humanity, so what would be the point of Him destroying humanity that He paid for? The only thing that God destroys is the works of the devil and the demonic realm. True science explores God’s creations. The devil is not a part of His creation (Ezekiel 28 :16-18; Isaiah 14). True science really needs God’s wisdom in order to accurately navigate and draw conclusions about His creations.

Séance taps into the devil’s strategy to bring about his corrupted ideas and that is what the agenda that is playing out now is all about.

Technology has been malapropped.

Technology has been malapropped in its association with corrupted science. Technology is a tool used to help bring into manifestation that which real science and other disciplines have explored and understood so that it benefits mankind. The same technology can be and is being used to bring into manifestation that which ‘séance’ has explained so that it hurts and destroys mankind.  As such, technology has been more enshrined in the agenda to displace and outpace mankind and has been exalted above God’s masterful creation, MAN. This is so ironic.

Man cannot create himself and cannot give life no matter what technology he uses, yet man has exalted his own creation, such as technology, above God and himself. People have now gone from being as low as animals to being lower than an inanimate object which he himself made. The creation being greater than the creator is now featured here again. In all of these ways, man becomes even more devalued and sadly, man calls this ‘development and progressiveness’. This is not the development God intended. The ability to create comes from God and it is God’s intention that good inventions are made to help mankind, not devalue mankind.

Over the last three years the narratives on mainstream media outlets were: “trust the science” and “trust the new technology.” People followed suit. The problem is, the science that was being referred to was a person, but the LORD says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD” (Jeremiah 17: 5 – 6).  

The whole world trusted in the man who calls himself science and was involved in what they call “gain of function research” that enhances dangerous species to become even more lethal to human population. The whole world is trusting in lab experiments and research that are studying ways to kill and maim humanity.

This was and is the ‘séance’ that consequently brought and continues to bring chaos, confusion and deaths.

This was the ‘séance’ that caused the recent pandemic.

This is the same ‘séance’ that produced a “solution” that is causing quite a pandemic of illnesses and death.

God, Who alone is omniscient, desires that His masterful creation trust Him. He will lead us into the truth of what He has created for us, for our benefits, beyond what we can ask, think or imagine (Ephesians 3: 20). God calls humanity into the knowledge of Him and His promises, His goodness, His glory, His love!

Trust in God’s OMNISCIENCE and not ‘SEANCE.’

Stay tuned for the next piece as we continue the journey of the Masterpiece of God.