God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

How special we are to God…

How special we are to God is not fully comprehensible on earth. I have thought about it in the words that Jesus spoke:

“Oh Jerusalem…How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me?” (Matthew 13:37, NLT). This is an intense but yet an understated expression of love that even natural man can relate to. When I observe the current awakening of parents, especially mothers, who see that the ideologies that govern our nations are designed to hurt our children, I am seeing the ‘mother hen’ character playing out. Threats to our children will draw a response much like the hen over her chicks. This has such a very strong natural connotation, that Jesus used it to give some semblance of how He loves us.

I imagine us in God being so loved that He wanted to create everything for us perfectly before placing us on the planet. We were and are the apple of His eye. Man was not just placed on earth, apart from Him. Humanity, in Adam, was connected to Him by His Spirit. Now as born-again believers, we are connected to Him because His Spirit dwells inside of us. That is the intimacy and love God has toward us, that He never intended for us to be apart from Him. He loves us so much that He always wants to be in us, as we were in Him in the dateless past. This is such an awesome revelation.

The masterpiece now has to be in Him.

This is the masterpiece that God created; the masterpiece was in Him. So, the masterpiece now has to be in Him, by Christ in us. This was the masterful plan of God that was hidden from the angels before the creation, and hidden from man until Jesus said it in John 16 and Paul had the revelation in Colossians 1: 25 – 27.

He so loved us that He became a man, Jesus, in order to die and save the world (John 1:1&12 – 14; John 3:16). The incarnation of God in order to save humanity is the greatest expression of the greatest sacrifice that will ever be performed. You could say He loved us with His life, or more than his own life.

He did not die for an animal, or plant or the planet or anything else.

He did not die so persons could glue themselves to a painting (Ref) or spray paint fossil fuel companies in a deluded effort to save the planet, because they think the planet is the Saviour. Whilst we must be good stewards over what God has created for us, we are not here to save them; they are all temporary (Matthew 24:35; 2 Cor 4:18; Hebrews 1:10-12). They are not our Saviour.

A Saviour does not need to be saved but He instead, saves. The agenda to save the planet in its illogical ways is ludicrous and is juxtaposed to the worship of man-made gods, where people have to feed them, polish them, dust them and protect them from being damaged.  The earth was made by God for our benefit but not to be worshipped. This is the distraction and the religion that is feeding our generation now and God wants His special creation to step out of that deception and come into the Light of His dear Son in order to truly see that God’s plan of salvation is not by way of climate change and earth adoration.

We were made for Christ in us

We were made for Christ in us and nothing else. Man is the only creation on earth that is permanent and needs a Saviour. Jesus is the only Saviour for mankind.

It is only in Him we can become the sons of God – His masterpiece.

To be cont’d……