God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

‘evolution’, ‘big bang’, ‘many ways to God’ and other deceptive beliefs are to be thrown out the window.

We are continuing from blog # 16 & 17.  So far, you can see that ‘evolution’, ‘big bang’, ‘many ways to God’ and other deceptive beliefs are to be thrown out the window. Man was never in animals and therefore could never have evolved from them. It is time to interject the truth into the lessons in Biology and stop teaching that man belongs to the animal class. It is a very demeaning, degrading, foolish, deceptive and devaluing theory and should not be received by any human being in his/her right mind. You know what is ironic about this: man has fought for civil rights, adult suffrage, independence, against slavery, “pro-choice”, sexuality freedom and gender recognition. All these are thought to elevate mankind but yet they are all tied to one of the most hateful theories of all times, the theory of evolution and other associated degrading theories, and they are embraced as intellectual advancement. This is not God. This is man pointing his hand in the face of God and rejecting the priceless value that God has placed on humanity.

God had us in Him from beginning, so we are to be God’s (i.e. we are offsprings of God OR we belong to God) and therefore made to be gods (i.e. not idols but God’s children, God’s family). Animals produce (give birth to) animals, fruit trees produce fruits, God produces gods. Everything reproduces after its kind (Gen. 1:24). This is GOD’S LAW and no one can deny it.

The devil keeps man intellectually bound….and lacking Godly intelligence.

Man was created in LOVE, by LOVE, through LOVE, with LOVE, for LOVE, upon LOVE and this LOVE is an intense, earnest, wonderful desire that God has towards people and desires to be in people (Eph 2:4). This will never be understood when you see yourself in the animal class or even the angel class or as a robot. This is why the devil keeps man intellectually (rational, academic and self-opinionated) bound and lacking Godly intelligence. It is only by His Spirit, through faith, can the understanding come (Eph 3: 16 – 18). God wants that for every person. This reverberates His plan to be in man and take over all of man – spirit, soul and body. This is the essence of Christ in us, the born-again believer and only the born-again believer.

Before ‘Christ in us’, it was satan who ruled us. Satan desperately desires to occupy man, not to benefit man, but to execute his hate for mankind. His agenda has always been a copy – cat of what he perceives God does for mankind. The devil has always tried to mimic God, even to the point of “coming as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians11: 14). He is aggressively trying to mimic God’s special creation, through technology captured in AI (artificial intelligence).

AI has been and can continue to be a very useful tool to benefit man.

Let us be clear! AI has been and can continue to be a very useful tool to benefit man. However, like a lot of technology, it has been hijacked by the enemy and is widely used for his purpose. Man has acquired the devil’s strategy through this means and have formulated robots and other AI products, with the view to overtake and eradicate the human race. AI has been touted as being more intelligent than man. This is the devil “bigging up” himself saying, “I can create something more superior than what God has made in the likes of human beings.” Here we are seeing his true colours and his intent to still want to be like the Most High, although he knows he is a defeated foe.

This continues to be laughable to think that man wants to elevate what he has made with the hands and breath that God gave him, above humanity whom God has fashioned with His own hands, in His own image. Here again, we see another classic example of the creation thinking he can be more intelligent than the Creator. At this juncture, we see where superior, God -given intelligence has been commandeered by the enemy by the fact that man has rejected the view of God towards humanity and thinks so little of himself. The devil cannot create anything, but he certainly can use what God has created, through man, to produce forms that are destructive to humanity.

God’s plan is “Christ in us”, new supernatural creations (2 Cor 5: 17). The devil’s plan is to mechanize man through chips, QR codes, gene modifiers in vaccine forms and other forms of AI to manipulate and control the minds and actions of man. This is robotics gone mad! I have heard it said that there are many cyborgs and robots clothed in human form walking among us. This is one example of what it means when Jesus said, “as it is in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man (Luke 17:26 – 27)

It is the revelation of Christ in us that the devil seeks to interfere with.

Jesus came to elevate us back to the place of special, where He created us to be – special creatures with eternal life and walking in His power, dominion and authority on the earth. This diametrically opposes the intentions of those who want to rule the earth. God is opposite to the devil, and we can see that in and around us. It is the revelation of Christ in us that the enemy seeks to interfere with. He can never displace Him, but he works overtime to keep the born – again believers ignorant of Christ in them and overtime to prevent the lost ones from receiving Christ in them.

There is a place in every human that is designed to be occupied by God and the devil knows that and hates that. God’s incessant and unrelenting focus on humanity interferes with his plans. I strongly believe that this is the missing piece in the knowledge that those who are lost are ferociously seeking, but yet not desiring.  All these are demonstrated and entrenched in the person of Jesus Christ. It is in Him that we see God’s masterpiece.

Stay tuned for the next blog!