God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

It is not through manmade social changes and agendas.

The moment we received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, our true purpose came on the inside of us – Christ in us, the hope of Glory (Colossians 1: 27). God came on the inside of us, by His Holy Spirit. Almighty God desiring and purposing to live inside and fellowship with man (who makes mistakes and messes up at times), by God’s design is beyond words. Truthfully, if we were to stop and meditate on this every day, even for 2 seconds, I believe people would just break out laughing with joy. Oh, how He values us and gives us a worth beyond what we can imagine.

I believe this is the most important piece of knowledge that the world needs. We can clearly see that playing out in all the unrest and demands that different social groups are making, except they are denying the very One they need to bring about rest in the unrest. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest (Mathhew 11:28). They are denying the very purpose that they need to know in order to live the life they are demanding. It is not through manmade social changes and agendas – it is only through Christ in us that we can live out that innate cry that every human being has. It is a cry for God to live in them.

This bears repeating – “if man really knew the value that ALMIGHTY GOD has placed on humanity, nobody would choose the devalued state that the enemy has trapped man into” (John 3:16)

However, it is important that we are not ignorant of the work of the devil all around us. It is not conspiracy that he would really like to inject himself into mankind and a lot of what people call “science, research, technology, development and progress” is factually a global endeavour of the devil, through people, to develop and implement entities and doctrines that will destroy humanity.

Artificial intelligence is called artificial for a reason!

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I was watching a video on the dangers of AI (Artificial Intelligence) if left unregulated. Actually, the headline stated quite interestingly, that adopting AI( and I will specify, without regulation and borders) is like summoning the demon (AI, the Biggest Existential Threat to Humankind says Elon Musk (analyticsinsight.net). The movement of technology in this direction is demonstrative of the tower of Babel (Gen 11: 1 – 9), where a group of people united in a common agenda to make “a name for themselves/build something for themselves” without the God factor, and we know what happened there.

In order to regulate this field, we would need people who do not have an agenda to destroy humanity but currently, the people who would be in charge of regulating them are the very ones the devil is using to keep them unregulated and deleterious.

The narrator in the video expressed the erroneous perception that robots and computers are smarter than man and that continues to be a representation of man’s ignorance and low-level value of man, by man. Artificial intelligence is called artificial for a reason. AI is developed by man, whose ability to create comes from God, and has been of great benefits to humanity, but it is the perversion of this technology that we must be very mindful of. This tool is debauched to subjugate and destroy humanity, a highly sophisticated one at that.

I want to be clear. The low-level value of man is an indoctrination by the devil, not because he thinks man is low-level but au contraire, because he knows how highly we are valued by God (Psalm 8 tells us exactly what the devil may have thought when man came on the scene – “what is man that You made him a little lower than Elohim?”). This was horrifying for him. His existence now is dedicated to deceiving man into thinking he is not good enough or of no value to God (2 Cor. 4:4). He continues in his quest through these world order agendas. The fact that he has found people to allow him to execute this tells us that he thinks he has succeeded in his quest.

Truthfully, it has been so since the fall of Adam, but Jesus came to make it abundantly clear that we were worth dying for, and to defeat the enemy’s agenda and that He did! The price was paid by GOD. We are priceless to Him and no artificial intelligence is responsible for that nor can it compare with human being.

So what is the solution to the problems we see in the world? Man must see himself in the state mentioned above at all times – valued by God and be willing to return to GOD, the place of highest value.

There is only ONE WAY to the return – Jesus Christ in us!

One Response

  1. It is crucial for mankind to have a better view of themselves than one that makes them lesser than even their own creation – AI.