God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

Man’s ability to create comes from the Creator GOD.

Nothing that man has made can be smarter or greater than what the CREATOR made, because man’s ability to create comes from the CREATOR GOD. Man’s ability to breathe comes from God and God alone. The devil perverts the natural ability of man, and that perversion CANNOT and will NEVER produce above God’s creation. Christ in us, the believer, puts us above the natural, and that is what God wants for every human being. The ultimate aim of the enemy is to deceive and convince man that he is a low life, unworthy of anything good and needs to be reset, replaced, removed, destroyed, updated, injected, hijacked and reconstructed. The devil’s desire is to destroy the most prized creation God has made and he is using the very creation to try to accomplish this, but no one can stop GOD’S plan. His plan for humanity was accomplished in the man, Jesus Christ Who defeated the devil and all his demons and gave us the victory. This victory is available to all who will receive and that is God’s desire.

Recently I saw a news article from Jamaica (Reference) whereby a principal of a prominent high school was requesting that Jamaica’s labour laws be changed to include paid menstrual leave on a monthly basis and that included for the supporting spouse/partner of the woman, who would look after her whilst she is on leave. I truly pray that proper and wise assessment of this is done before it becomes a reality.

When I read this article, the first thought I had was, ‘there goes the removal of women and men from working class and here comes the overtaking by robots.’ We must be careful how we as human beings are setting ourselves up to be replaced by lesser objects. That is the devil’s agenda. But, oh, if only all would see through God’s eyes, how special we all are to Him.

If a man doesn’t work, he cannot eat.

God told us that, “if a man doesn’t work, he cannot eat’(2 Thessalonians 3: 10 – 13), yet the world is encouraging and codifying ways to remove that. There is a massive uptick in the production of robots that are being demanded for the industrial world. Leaders are willing to sabotage the command from God for people to work, by handing out cheques to satiate and sensitize a people to being on welfare and dependent on government all their lives, with the view to speedily decrease their existence on the planet.

The devil doesn’t always say it in those plain words, but he packages them covertly such as ‘own nothing and be happy.’ It must have taken great indoctrination to get people over the years to believe this. It is a twist on the scriptures in the bible which tell the believers that everything we own is given to us by God and He owns us. That ownership has nothing to do with that slogan’s motive. As a believer God promises us that every thing He has He has given to us through Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1: 3; Philippians 4 :19; John 16: 15; 1 Timothy 6: 17) and by His wisdom, we have them all to enjoy richly. We enjoy the richness because we allow Him to manage them for us and produce great increase.

The slogan of owning nothing literally means, a few people will take what you have and tell you when and if you can have anything, even food, based on their will. The minimalist movement engendered this, and many Christians have bought into it as a false sense of humility. This is not God.

The next covert operation is the eating of bugs. How would this become a culture to be accepted as the norm? There are cultures that embrace this, but it isn’t their sole ‘meat’ and it is their choice. Why would anyone accept being forced into this? Where did God tell us that He provided only insects for mankind to eat and only that shall we eat?  

These agendas are the true oxymoron of the fight to save mankind.

Let’s take a look at another covert-operation, pro-choice for example:

[You are fighting to save your black race and so you will kill your babies in the womb, so you can have money to support yourself. Where is the race-saving motive here? There will not be any more of your kind if you keep getting pregnant and killing the ones who will continue your race. Your pro-choice motive is a choice to destroy the race you distress yourself about on social media and main -stream media. Therefore, your choice deceptively feeds into the agenda of the ‘slave master’ that you believe still drives the whip. Only this time he empowers you to drive the whip yourself and do the dirty work of murder, or more accurately, suicide.”]

God’s Intimacy with humanity.

The above-mentioned are just a few of the ways that the devil deceives mankind and that is all that he can do – deceive. However, here is the TRUTH – Almighty God desires to keep company with us, not outside of us, but inside of us. WOW, WOW, WOW!! This is intimacy. In fact, I heard a very popular preacher elucidate this word ‘intimacy’ as “come into me and see.” This is what God is calling humanity into! He wants to own us, by our choice, so He can supply us abundantly, exceedingly with love, blessings, power, goodness…. beyond what we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

We come into Him, by allowing Christ in us (not only to be in us but to live through us) and this is how we can see the value He has placed on us (1 Cor 3:16; John 14:23; Eph. 2:22).

Listen, the more we see His value placed on us, the more we can be who He has called us to be, now and for all eternity with Him.

If only all would see through His eyes, how special we all are to Him. We are His masterpiece creation.