God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

…made to be infused/injected/inhabited or to use a current term, ‘chipped’, with the Holy Spirit, GOD….

Every man was made to be infused/injected/inhabited or to use a current term, ‘chipped’, with the Holy Spirit as the evidence that he belongs to God’s family of true royalty and highest class (Ephesians 1: 14).

Truly it is very important that we discern when people say ‘god’

This is what makes the Church very different from other religions that claim GOD is their god. Jesus Christ is the marked distinction here. Truly it is very important that we discern when people say ‘god’. There is a movement out there where people proclaim to know Almighty God but they don’t go to Him through Jesus. They claim they have direct access. We know that is impossible because Jesus said,

“…No one can come to the Father except through Me.” (John 14: 6)

Therefore, such a movement is purposeless. It cannot accomplish God’s purpose for anybody. It is a movement of damnation to hell. Did I actually just say ‘hell’? Oh yes, I did and Jesus used that word several times as well, so I know I am not in the wrong here! There is heaven and there is hell. I have had conversations with people who have fashioned a pointless imagination that determines that hell is non-existent and heaven is where everyone will be. Most certainly, I have determined that whatever God says, that I will believe – Let God be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4).

Jesus talked about hell and even went to hell, so I know it is there (Luke 16:19 – 31, John 5: 24.) We must know though, that it is not designed for humanity and God does not want any person to choose to go there (2 Peter 3: 9) and that is why He sent Jesus. My choice of words is not loose but deliberate in showing that God is not the person Who decides or sends anyone to hell; He gives people free will to choose what they want.

To dwell in eternity in heaven or hell is therefore a choice that we must make as individuals. I would not want to pretend it is a fable whilst I am on earth and come to find out about it after it is too late. Would you?

Purposeful living makes heaven our home and the opposite grants one eternal hell.

We were made by God, The WORD, to live purposefully and to be His masterpiece…..to be like Jesus, The WORD!