God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

A masterpiece is defined as, “a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship”(Online Oxford dictionary). When we survey the works of God’s hand in creation all around us, we see outstanding artistry, beyond what words can describe.

setting the stage to View God’s Masterpiece

In setting the stage for this blog series, I gaze at the splendour of creation and it is absolutely amazing (Psalm 8:3; 50: 2; 96: 11 – 12; 104: 1 – 35; 139: 14; Isaiah 40: 26; Isaiah 42 :5). The more I am amazed at all of Gods’ creation, the more in awe I am of the Creator.

Still, with all of that, do you know that God calls human beings His greatest and most cherished creation – His masterpiece?  Psalm 8 and 139 bring that into perspective in similar fashion to many of the scriptures in the Bible. Why are we His most masterful creation? Here are some of the reasons:

We are the ones that He made in His image and likeness, when He made first Adam. Do you know that “image” and “likeness” really mean ‘look like and be like but never be Him’ of course (Gen 1:27)?

We are the ones that He gave authority and dominion over all of the earth and His creations (Gen 1:28).

We are the ones that He so loved that He sent His Word as flesh to die for (John 3:16).

We are the ones He chose to live inside and make us His temple (John 17: 20 – 23; John 4: 14; Heb. 8:10; 10:16; 2 Cor. 6:17 – 18; Colossians 1:27).

We are the ones He made to fellowship with and wants to fellowship with (Isaiah 1:18; 1 Cor. 3:9).

We are the ones, through Jesus Christ, that He calls family. (1 John 3: 1 – 2; Eph 2 :19).

Human beings are His masterpiece defined as outstanding artistry, special creations…His family.

[By the way, if you haven’t spent time in Genesis, the book of beginnings, you need to. Every time I go into it, new and fresh revelation about the beginning emerges. It is beautiful. This is where more time should be spent to open people’s eyes to how God viewed humanity at the beginning, and how He still sees us, especially now.]

Let this introduction soak in as you prepare your hearts to go on this journey, the journey in Christ, which is Love and Truth exposed.

Stay tuned for #2…..

#1 A Masterpiece