God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

….bring focus and clarity

I want to bring focus and clarity to what God means when He said man is His masterpiece creation. Man is God’s masterpiece creation. When man separated himself from God, he lost the glory of that reality and that is why God sent Jesus to bring humanity back into that reality: The reality of the masterpiece that He made us. That reality was placed in Christ Jesus for all of mankind. This is God’s design as with everything He made. He is GOD!

[Eph. 2:10, NLT – For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.]

I have observed throughout my life as a born-again believer that this reality has done at least two things – on one hand, persons have become puffed up with pride so much so that they worship themselves and have both overtly and surreptitiously determined that the title of GOD could only be because man established it. A doctrine that one could attain fellowship with God, the Father and be His masterpiece without Jesus has resulted. Sorry but that is not possible, despite what the talk-show media moguls might say. I know the Word of God cannot lie – JESUS and He alone is the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE; absolutely no one can go to the Father except it is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

“God made us as masterpiece to worship Him and not ourselves.”

The second observation is it has humbled the likes of me to an earnest desire to worship Almighty GOD. God made us as masterpiece to worship Him and not ourselves. Just to know that He sees me as His own, and He loves me and desires to fellowship with me, is mind blowing. It has to be the most humbling and yet the most honourable position in life. He made us also to love us. Now, He wants humanity to come back to that place.

I often think about it this way – for Jesus to suffer and die the way He did for no real reason, would certainly make for a “god” who doesn’t really know what he is doing. That ideology is part of the foolishness that He referred to in 1 Corinthians 1:25:

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.”

I was once part of the “man’s wisdom” crowd, because I never understood why Jesus had to die such a death. It made no sense to me – it was indeed ‘foolishness’ to me even though I acknowledged, accepted and celebrated it. Many do not understand it, do not accept it and continue to see it as ‘foolishness’. But ALAS! God says even His “perceived’ foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom. Such wisdom is ‘fooler’ than foolish, in other words. The greatest revelation at that time for me was recognizing that unless I submit to what appears ‘foolish’ as actually the great wisdom of God, then I would remain ‘fooler’ than foolish.

There is no human being who willingly wants to be ‘fooler than foolish’ –  Certainly not me. Therefore, I chose the wisdom of God instead and the understanding of what Jesus did, became evident and continues to be revealed to me in greater details. Man is God’s masterpiece creation because we are the ones He made to love and to be like Him.

It is absolutely amazing. Oh, such LOVE!