God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

Not every person is a child of God.

A life in Christ, by Christ in us, will awaken humanity to the value that God has placed on us. This is the plan and purpose for humanity as God designed. All of His plans must come through His Son, Jesus, by Whom we are made children of God. This brings confirmation to a blatant truth that many people love to deny, but it is a very clear picture that NOT every person is a child of God (Romans 8:9). Truthfully however, all human beings were created in Adam by God and are made to become children of God, but it is not automatic. By way of faith in Jesus as the sacrifice for our sin, God is calling humanity back into Christ and into His family. It is a ONE WAY street (John 14:6). I know that valiant efforts are made daily to seek out other ways, but it is pointless.

God is not a man, so He does not lie.

I stand firm in my belief that people do this because they do not have a concept of sacrificial love. The thought that Almighty God would die for wicked people, who do not deserve it or have done nothing to earn it, is beyond what they are willing to accept, so they fashion a doctrine. God wants humanity to believe and receive the LOVE Who He is. It requires a willingness to accept that “God is not a MAN so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind.” (Numbers 23:19) If He were, then a lot of women would have the right to doubt His love.

Experiences in the natural have superseded the Truth and this is one of the devil’s strategies to blind mankind. How does he do this? He keeps persons focused on their hurt and experiences and instead they become the only reality and the love of God becomes fake news. Here cometh the deception of psychology!

God is immutable

All that were written in the previous blogs emphasize the way God sees humanity and His desire for humanity. Now none of that has changed because God is immutable; His plans and His will never change (Hebrews 13:8). As long as you are willing to accept the Supremacy and Superiority of GOD, this truth will become very clear to you. [The entrance and unfolding of Your words give light; their unfolding gives understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple – Psalm 119:130, AMPC].

When God spoke and said “Let us make man,” it was not just then that He thought of man. Whatever God spoke was always known and thought of by God not based on time. It is not like God gets up in the mornings and say today October 25th I will bless Michelle with a car or November 3, 1971 He decided then to send Sheryl to earth. Every knowledge is known by God from beginning. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelations 22:13)and He is omniscient. Isaiah 46:10 states that He declares the end from the beginning. He spoke at the time so the natural manifestation could begin; nothing manifests in the natural without a spoken word. As I am writing this, the tendency to put this into a natural man’s way of thinking is tempting, but must be resisted, because God is not a man. People have a tendency to think of God in that way. This is an avenue by which man misses the essence of God. God is a Spirit (John 4: 24) and is not confined to the way we perceive Him mentally or physically for that matter. He is above all.

Man was always in God.

We must know that the creation of man was not an afterthought. Man was always in God, in the Son/The Word, kept and treasured for the time when He would put him on earth to bring about the family that God wants to pour out His love on. Ephesians 1:4 (For He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before Him in love), is one of many scriptures that reveals this amazing truth that God wants mankind to know. Oh man, if people would only see themselves through the eyes of God.

The statement that “man was in God,” is the foundation of what makes man, God’s special creation and not on the same level as any of His other created beings. All the others although in His thoughts, were formed outside of God through His Word, by the Holy Spirit. Man, however, was in Him, as a part of Him, and came forth out of Him, in the Word/the Son and fashioned with His own hands. Just as a salient point of interest, before the Word became flesh, He was called the Word/Son and not Jesus. Jesus is the anointed incarnation of the Word (John 1: 1-14) and we were made by God to be like Him, in Him. It is the Name given to us on earth, by which we are saved. It packs the power of the entire Godhead for us on earth.

It is in Him, by Him and through Him that we will continue our journey.

Stay tuned.