God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

You can think about my pre-Christ and my post-Christ nature through the science of the natural immiscibility of oil and water…

I cannot fathom my life without Christ in it. Don’t be mistaken; this is not saying that I never lived a life before Christ. We all did and some still do, of course. We were all sinners before we were born – again. That’s why evangelism is mandatory. It is in knowing the stark contrast between the two periods that gives me such a conviction. You can think about my pre-Christ and my post-Christ nature through the science of the natural immiscibility of oil and water or more recognizably, the difference between light and darkness.

…my old nature is literally dead…

My life now is focused on my new nature because my old nature is literally dead and I must not make a habit of grave-digging. When I asked Jesus to come into my life and be Lord, He came into my spirit, by the Holy Spirit and killed the old nature by His very perfect and holy presence. Literally, He did that in hell 2000+ years ago and I received that finished work, spiritually, by faith, when I gave my life to Him at about 13 years of age. I did not understand that then, so I renewed my spiritual re-birth at 39 at which point I started living. Living is really letting the new nature change the old ways of thinking/desiring/choosing in the soul.

It is important to know what happens to a person when they become born – again and how to walk in that, otherwise you may be in Christ and have no idea what to do in that new life and live as if you were never born-again. That happened to me between 13 and 39 years. I did not understand or know anything about new nature or old nature and how to live the former, so my life did not resemble the features of the new man. Now I know, and I am growing in that knowledge daily, so my above-expressed conviction is one of pure gratitude and thanksgiving that I am now alive in Christ, Christ is living in me and I know it.

God is absolutely good to me.

God is absolutely good to me. He is always reminding me of how special I am to Him. He wants to remind every human being of this. I do believe this frightens people and ironically, many people run away from this. Is this too good to be true? Honestly when you don’t know Who He is, you would say so, although the evidence of His goodness is all around us (Romans1: 20). When you think of God as just a human being, then that is when you would believe that His love manifested in John 3:16 is too good to be true.

 But as for me, my life says, “It isn’t too good to be true. It is good and it is true. He is absolutely good and true.” As a masterpiece creation, we must rest in the Hands of the creator and believe and know that He is absolutely good and can therefore only provide good for us. We must separate ourselves from that which was our former nature which denied the goodness of God, rest in the new nature, the masterpiece, who loves God and knows the goodness of God. When you try to mix the two, you get a cloudy perspective and will doubt that God is good and true.

olive oil, background, art-652201.jpg

 {Chemistry analogy #1: Oil and water are chemically two opposite substances. Water is hydrophilic/polar and oil is hydrophobic/nonpolar. One loves water and the other hates it. Structurally, water is formed by strong hydrogen bonds between molecules of water. Each molecule is formed by bonding two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. This results in a charge (almost like a pull) on the molecule. This attracts other atoms or molecules that are similar. That is, polar and polar will produce a good mix. Oil on the other hand, has zero polarity and cannot attract molecules that are polar, such as water. This results in the separation of the two even when put in the same container. If you add force to this it will cause a temporary mix that is called a suspension, but as soon as the container is put to rest, the separation occurs.}