God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

So many disastrous things are happening in the world around us but we were warned about that in the Bible. As the time for Jesus’ return nears, and He is returning whether or not you believe it, the enemy has become very active at high-dosed steroidal levels. The strategy of bombardment is one of distraction but certainly spells collusion among various entities who are being used by the enemy. The most prominent are the media houses. Pouring out of their bellies are lies and deception, the levels of which have never been seen before.

How do you know what is and is not Truth? We have to tune in to the Voice of the One Who alone is Truth. You can never go wrong there – He is the ALL KNOWING GOD. Unfortunately, there are many persons, who by their expression of faith in Jesus Christ and as a result have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, refuse to allow Him to reveal truth to them. This is His purpose as shown in John 16: 13(AMP) –

“But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future].”

This is perfect knowledge – precise and accurate! If we consistently avoid this, then we are precisely inaccurate. If there had to be a choice, it would have been better to be imprecisely accurate, but by God’s standard, this too will lead to a dead end. These two conditions seem so common though, among the mass populace. The terms ‘pathological lie’ and ‘systemic racism’ are two examples of precisely inaccurate terms and people just use them without even thinking. They prevail in people who are tuned in to a particular frequency for their knowledge, and this source is antithetical to the Source of Truth, Jesus Christ.

Why then would Christians base their beliefs and actions on such sources? The answer is simple : they have not believed and continued in the Truth, which makes them free (John 8: 31 – 32). They are therefore, bound to the lies and the liar and have denied the flow of the Truth, despite His making His abode in them.

How can two walk unless they agree? God cannot co-labour with a disagreeing bunch of people. He is the One Who gives us the discernment to know truth and lies when they are spoken. However, if the information from the media houses are featured more in your listening ears, the Holy Spirit will be drowned out. This results in a lack of knowledge and God says:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

What is the evidence of this destruction? Many are voting for abortion, transgender mutilation, climate change hoaxes, communism, poor economy, perversion of children, church persecution and so much more yet to be uncovered. They do this and call it ‘love’.

If ever there were false doctrines and precise inaccuracies prevalent among some Christians, it certainly is accelerated now.

I pray fervently for wisdom and discernment in Your people, oh Lord – Your wonderfully made masterpieces.