God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ


#42 True Freedom cont’d

I don’t think the devil expected this. I don’t think the devil expected this. He thinks suffering will bring people...
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#41 True Freedom…..

You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free (John 8:32). The Truth here is the Lord...
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#40 Seeing through the Eyes of GOD cont’d….

When you truly know someone, you can easily discern whether or not what is said about that person is true...
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#39 Life on Earth Now Cont’d

Seeing through the Eyes of GOD "Seeing through the eyes of God" was captured in Blog #2 (https://amasterpieceofgod.com/2022/09/22/2-masterpiece-contd/). Throughout my...
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#38 Life on Earth Now cont’d….

The Holy Spirit is He Who takes us exploring the deep things of God Since the enemy is intensifying his...
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