God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

#22 Christ in Us…. Cont’d

You can think about my pre-Christ and my post-Christ nature through the science of the natural immiscibility of oil and water… I cannot fathom my life without Christ in it. Don’t be mistaken; this is not saying that I never lived a life before Christ. We all did and some still do, of course. We Read More

#18 False Beliefs cont’d

When we are led by the Spirit of God, we don’t have to make calculated allowances for error…. Science seeks to understand what God has created therefore, it means real science can only be effective if God’s manual and Interpreter (Holy Spirit) is guiding the process(John 14:17; John 15: 26; John 16:13). If man wants Read More

#16 False Beliefs cont’d ….

Why would a person choose to go back to the bondage…? Why would a people choose to go back to the bondage that the devil promotes? Truthfully, as long as people live on this current earth, the opportunity for bondage will be presented in many ways and it takes greater than natural will power to Read More