God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

#16 False Beliefs cont’d ….

Why would a person choose to go back to the bondage…? Why would a people choose to go back to the bondage that the devil promotes? Truthfully, as long as people live on this current earth, the opportunity for bondage will be presented in many ways and it takes greater than natural will power to Read More

#15 False Beliefs cont’d ….

Twenty – twenty vision Twenty – twenty vision is perfect natural vision and there is a popular saying that “hindsight is 20 – 20.” In other words, after the fact, we see clearly. I cannot count the number of times I would have said “If only I knew then what I know now, I would Read More

#14 False beliefs cont’d

History, taught wrongly and deceptively…. History, taught wrongly and deceptively, has caused man to be enamoured with slavery wrapped in a glossy, deceptive coating called “socialism”. When you look further, as we are seeing now, socialism is really a precursor to communism. It is the period of so – called utopia where government appears to Read More

#13 False beliefs cont’d

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool… We are in a period of life where deception is at the highest it has ever been. But what makes it worse is deceivers are exalting themselves as the ones who determine ‘truth’ and have taken on the title of ‘fact Read More

#12 The False Beliefs

It is the Creator of the creation that must get the praise; not the creation. I know people who are nature lovers, who revere the beauty of the trees, stars, birds, moon and all the works of God’s creation, and unfortunately many of them have very little compassion for human life. They go out of Read More

#11 Humanity’s Purpose cont’d

People want to believe that outside of God they are free. People want to believe that outside of God they are free and not realize that outside of God they are in a bondage of evil and they have absolutely no control over their lives. Instead, they have given their lives over to a lesser Read More

#10 Humanity’s Purpose cont’d

Man was made to be loved by God, owned by God, to worship God, to fellowship with God and to live by Him in order to be like Him. Obviously, man can never to be God (John 4:24). However, the fallen nature character has tripped up mankind because there are people who want to be Read More

#9 Humanity’s Purpose cont’d

Train up the child in the way he should go It bears out indefatigably and crucially why God said in His word – “Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], even when he is old, he will not depart Read More

#8 Humanity’s Purpose

Man’s purpose is found in Christ I have learnt and experienced that our purpose is carved out in LOVE, which is GOD (John 4:16, 1 John 4:8). Man’s purpose is found in Christ and in nothing else and no other. The more we know Him, the more we love Him and I believe this will Read More

#7 GOD IS…cont’d

Who is GOD? Who is God? This may seem like an atheistic question. Indeed, people who claim not to believe in God ask that question all the time. However, as a Born-again Believer, I believe in the One True Infinite, Eternal God and so my knowledge of Him can never be exhausted. As a result, Read More