God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

#6 God is……

God is not evil! I have heard many among us refer to this world as perfectly designed by God with its imperfections. Such opinions make me cringe. To think that anyone would believe YAHWEH God, Who is absolutely good, would have deliberately created this world with the evil we see and then say it is Read More

#5 Humans are….

Humans are not animals Humanity has to get to the place where we are confident about the way God sees us. It is fundamental for us to know that we humans are not animals – we are God’s special creation. We were not made in their family of species. We are made in the God Read More

#4 A Masterpiece cont’d

The key to my victories The key to my victories in life since I became a believer is to believe God and to apprehend/seek out/desire the plans, will, ways and desires of the One Who made us. He is the One Who loves us. In 1 John 5: 4 -5 it says: “For every child Read More

#3 A Masterpiece cont’d

….bring focus and clarity I want to bring focus and clarity to what God means when He said man is His masterpiece creation. Man is God’s masterpiece creation. When man separated himself from God, he lost the glory of that reality and that is why God sent Jesus to bring humanity back into that reality: Read More

#2 A Masterpiece cont’d

”so good, so very good.” Getting back on track, in Genesis 1, when God completed each day of creation, He described them as “good”. However, it was only after He created human that He said “very good.” In the NLT translation, it says “so good, so very good.”  He calls us ‘a Masterpiece’ (Ephesians 2: 10, Read More

#1 A Masterpiece

A masterpiece is defined as, “a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship”(Online Oxford dictionary). When we survey the works of God’s hand in creation all around us, we see outstanding artistry, beyond what words can describe. setting the stage to View God’s Masterpiece In setting the stage for this blog series, I gaze at Read More