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... journey with Christ, in Christ!


This year we continue to celebrate the best year yet, because each year takes us one step closer to the return of Jesus Christ and this is the ultimate hope of every born-again believer.

May we have more and more hunger for and in Christ, with a constant expectation of His goodness, His presence and His power working in and through us, to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION instructed by our Lord and Master, Commander – in – Chief, Jesus Christ.


Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be unto you! Welcome to my blog site.

I do not believe it is a coincidence that you are here and so I hope that as you read and explore the pages, you will get that which you are seeking and need.

Jesus Himself said, “apart from Me, you can do nothing.” That scripture reverberates in my life and so everything here, that is good, is all by the Grace of God. To Him be all the glory and honour.

This site purposely and capriciously crosses several areas, with the Word of God about His plan (Gen 1:26 – 27) and love for humanity (John 3:16), forming the focal point.

There is a vision for the knowledge of the glory of God to cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. Resultantly and ultimately my blogs are to communicate knowledge that comes from God’s word as I look at current events and life’s journey in Christ towards the fashioning of the masterpiece that He made us to be. Without knowledge, God’s masterpieces perish.

Come on in and journey through the weekly pages with me.

God bless you.

[At this point, if you have never received the gift of salvation and asked Jesus into your heart, this is a perfect opportunity to do so. Pray this prayer, believing: “Heavenly Father, Almighty God, I know I am a sinner in need of a Saviour. I know You sent Jesus on earth to redeem my sinful life from hell and He finished the work and You raised Him from the dead. I repent of sin and I ask You Lord Jesus to come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour. I renounce the devil and his nature and I receive Christ now. Thank You Father that I am now born-again believer, a member of the family of God and heaven is my home. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and take my life and do something with it. Amen!]

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Thinking Out Loud

#46 Die to live and live to die!

#45 True Freedom cont’d….