God's Masterpiece – A blog about Life in Christ

#37 Life on Earth Now cont’d….

I thank God for the Holy Spirit, my wisdom A problem related to people’s response to R & D, is that many just yield to the reports when they are broadcasted and published, assuming that once someone says, “a study shows…” or “researchers found that…”, then everything that follows suit is factual and trustworthy. To Read More

36 Life on Earth now

Instead, we grow in knowledge. Research and Development (R & D) are very central parts of human existence and have been a valued and trusted aspect of advancement in life. I believe it comes from the truth that revelation is progressive (Daniel 12:4) and that we won’t just arrive to an all-knowing status at one Read More

#35 LOVE that calls us to purpose CONT’D……

The world and many Christians have reverted to viewing God through a misunderstanding of the Old Covenant Many religions acknowledge a supreme being but love does not feature in its nature. Many Christians acknowledge Jesus as Lord, but His love doesn’t feature in the relationship experience. They believe they have a handle on love based Read More

#34 LOVE that calls us to purpose CONT’D……

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, says the Word of God in Luke 8 :17.  Many activists want to eliminate carbon emissions, the very thing that God created organic life with, as a means to create an inorganic being and environment that is Read More

#33 LOVE that calls us to purpose CONT’D……

This is the greatest conspiracy theory Robots, computers, devils, man or any other entity, can never create anything that is superior to God’s creation. To believe otherwise is the greatest conspiracy theory and I know many self – proclaimed leaders believe that. So now we know who the conspiracy theorists are and how greatly fooled Read More

#32 LOVE that calls us to purpose CONT’D……

Before Him, God only spoke to certain people God was never living inside anyone in the Old Testament. Although this would be His ultimate plan, which Paul describes as the ‘mystery’ (Colossians 1:27), it could not have happened before the Holy Spirit came on earth at Pentecost. Of course, we know that Jesus was the Read More

# 31 LOVE that calls us to purpose

When I was a little girl, the scripture John 3:16 was recited….. When I was a little girl, the scripture John 3:16 was recited, memorized and recited repeatedly but its full meaning was not really known to me back then. This was the main scripture on God’s love that calls us all to purpose but Read More

#30 Purposeful Living Cont’d…

God says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. God wants us to know what is of Him so we can reject what is not of Him. Therefore, if we stay ignorant of God’s ways and will, then that is the enemy’s strategy. [God says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea Read More

#29 Purposeful Living Cont’d…..

In this current era on earth, we are seeing more aggressive censorship taking place. We were made for purposeful living. In this current era on earth, we are seeing more aggressive censorship taking place. If I recall correctly, time throughout the millennia has been divided into epochs and we are in the period of The Read More

#28 Purposeful Living…

“Every day with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before “Every day with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before Every day with Jesus, I love Him more and more…” These are the first two lines of a song that I sang when I was a little girl. I still sing it today and it Read More